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Black Women &
Facebook Thrifting

The idea of secondhand clothing and thrifting has always been around. Goodwill sound familiar? Well with the internet reshaping the way we interact with the world around us, these entrepreneurs created a virtual thrift store in the palm of your hands. That's nothing new, right? Postmark and ThredUp have done the same thing. Well, not entirely! These ladies use Facebook live to auction off discounted clothing items and accessories to their hundreds of followers! Get ready to experience thrifting like you've never done before!

The Many Faces of
Drug Abuse

We all have our version of of a drug abuser in our minds. But what if that image not only isn't accurate, it's closer to an image of ourselves than we ever imagined?From illegal substances, to recreational drugs like marijuana, and prescription drugs, drug abuse no longer has one uniform look.


This PowerPoint offers a brief glimpse into the ever-evolving world of drug abuse.

Parker's Future Gas Innovation

As it stands, ridesharing apps are cutting into gas station profits by diminishing the car ownership aspirations of younger generations. Furthermore, Amazon is on a quest to make modern life more convenient with quick delivery, integrating AI into our everyday lives, Dash buttons for easier re-ordering, and cashier-less Go stores. The introduction of the internet continuously changes the role of retailers worldwide.


So what does the future of convenience stores actually look like? That’s exactly what Georgia Southern students have set out to discover this semester. This fall, over 100 students from three classes, including Fashion Merchandising, Marketing, and Graphic design courses, visited 14 Parker’s convenience store locations located throughout the coastal empire. They spent hundreds of hours observing and customers in order to understand who they are and why they come to Parker’s. This was a pretty significant undertaking for these students, and they collected a vast amount of data in a short period.


Please check out the group slideshow project my classmates and I came up with to summarize our experience collecting data for Parker's.

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