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Bloom Cosmetics

My vision for Bloom Cosmetics was to make a brand that felt playful and earthy. As an African-American woman myself, I designed these natural hair products based off of what speaks to me on the shelves at the store. Lots of natural hair products use gold and maroon/red for their theme, so I decided to follow that trend and mix it up a little with turquoise. I also put a lot of thought into the font and typeface for the brand. I wanted something that played into the playful vibe I was going for, so a curvy, minimal to sans-serif typeface was my automatic go to.

Confessions of an Awkward Teenage Werewolf

For this assignment, our professor tasked us with coming up with a movie concept, and I decided to make an 80s-90s era reminiscent movie that plays off of romcoms and the supernatural. I took inspiration from the hit tv show 'Saved by the Bell' with the decorative elements such as the triangles and the zig-zags. 80s-90s era romcoms also used a lot of pink in their marketing, so I decided to do so as well, using baby pink to capture the colorful & playful graphics of the times. I also made a dvd menu screen that mimics older motion graphics using a grainy filter and choppy transitions. 

Parasite Movie 

For this assignment, my professor tasked us to redesign the logo, poster, and trailer for a movie that's already well established. I chose 'Parasite' because I love slasher movies with deep, impactful meanings. This movie's theme focused on the relationship between the rich and poor. With this in mind, for the redesign, I wanted to play up the classy meets horror theme by using a typeface and font that felt dominate, mildly threatening, and sleek. I chose this font because the serifs on the letters are pointy and sharp-looking, adding to the slasher-rich vibe I was going for. The all caps, thin typeface, and black watercolor effect on the lettering were small touches added to increase the logo's effect on the space it uses up. 


The poster is a direct nod to the film's Korean roots, ramen being a commonly eaten food in Korea amongst the rich and poor due to being a cheap comfort food. In the movie, these two families couldn't be more opposite but ramen tugs at the humanity in both of them. The poster is completely colorless besides the red parasite found in the ramen to strengthen the impact of finding an obvious parasite. 


Lastly, the trailer simply emphasizes the mysterious premise of the movie, leaving the audience wondering who is the true parasite - the rich family, or the poor one.

Odd Creature Beauty

I created Odd Creature Beauty with the idea of transformation/costume makeup in mind. I wanted a silly and inviting vibe for this brand, so I used baby pink for the logo, and stuck to the lighter versions of colors for the bottle designs. I also came up with little creatures to represent each color because I love illustrations and vector design.

Modern Vicky

Modern Vicky is a Victorian aesthetic magazine for people who love bow brooches, velvet fabric, and formal wear. Modern Vicky (as the name suggests) aims to bring Victorian inspired attire into the modern world. 

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